About Me

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K. Siva Prasad Reddy

  • Name: Siva, working as a Software Engineer since 2006.
  • Primary Skills: Building scalable and distributed applications using Java, Kotlin, GoLang, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, MicroServices, REST APIs, and Docker.
  • Hands-on experience with building MicroServices, and Modular Monoliths.
  • Hands-on experience building Event Driven Microservices using Kafka, RabbitMQ, and AWS SQS.
  • Good experience with Agile, XP and TDD practices.
  • Well-versed with infrastructure automation using Jenkins, Terraform, AWS CDK and Pulumi.
  • Basic knowledge on building Gen AI based applications using LangChain4j and Spring AI
  • Good experience in writing technical content for beginners as well as experienced developers.
  • Experienced trainer for Java and Spring Boot technologies.


How to reach me?

Looking for a trainer or freelancer?

If you are looking for a trainer or freelancer for your next project, please contact me at sivaprasadreddy.k@gmail.com.


I have written the following books:

Beginning Spring Boot 3
SpringBoot : Learn By Example


  • generator-springboot A CLI tool for generating Spring Boot Microservices with common configurations and best practices.
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