Announcing My "SpringBoot Tips Video Series" on YouTube
I am happy to announce that I am going to create “SpringBoot Tips Video Series” on my SivaLabs YouTube Channel. This “SpringBoot Tips Series” is to help people who are new to SpringBoot to learn how to use SpringBoot with a keen focus on understanding how it works behind the scenes.
Longer version
I have been working with SpringBoot for several years, and I have written couple of books on it too. Also, I have been giving online trainings on SpringBoot for students and working professionals too. A common thing I noticed is for the people who are completely new to SpringBoot, it looks like a magic. Even people, who have been working with SpringBoot for some time, know how to use it but don’t know how it works behind the scenes.
It is quite understandable though. SpringBoot is kind of framework on top of frameworks abstracting away too much from developer to increase developer productivity.
Recently I gave SpringBoot training to a group of people, and I noticed the same pattern.
Few questions from the students:
How do you know for which library dependency we need to include
in pom.xml and for which library we don’t have to?
Why shouldn’t I use @SpringBootTest for my unit tests?
There are so many options to configure application properties. Which one to use? Are there any best practices around it?
How SpringBoot AutoConfiguration works? Can we create our own starters as well?
How AOP works? What are some practical usages of AOP?
and many more…
As I have written few articles on these topics earlier I shared those articles.
- How SpringBoot AutoConfiguration magic works?
- Testing SpringBoot Applications
- SpringBoot Best Practices
- Retrying Method Execution using Spring AOP
They found these articles very useful and a couple of students asked me why don’t you create videos explaining things like this? I liked that idea of creating such videos because that would help me to simply ask them to watch those videos instead of me explaining the same thing again and again. So, I decided to make this “SpringBoot Tips Video Series”.
Who are the target audience?
- People who are new to SpringBoot
- People who are using SpringBoot for some time but don’t know how it works behind the scenes
If you are already a SpringBoot Expert then you might not learn much from this series, but if you can spend some time to watch and provide me feedback that would be great.
SpringBoot Tips : Part 1 - DependencyManagement
In this first part of “SpringBoot Tips” Series, I have explained how dependency management works in SpringBoot Maven Project.
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