Should I use a framework or libraries?

Should I use a framework or libraries?

In the software development world, trends come and go, and often we go through the same cycle again and again. It seems 2024 is the year of “Framework vs Libraries” debate. I mean this debate is not new, but it is getting louder again. For example, most of the Go community prefers to use libraries instead of a framework. The Java community is divided into two groups, one prefers to use Spring Boot or Quarkus or Micronaut, and the other prefers to use libraries.

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Tomato Architecture - A Pragmatic Approach to Software Design

Tomato Architecture - A Pragmatic Approach to Software Design

After a couple of years into software development, I wanted to improve my skills by learning more about Software Architecture and Design. As you might guess, various sources suggested learning: Design Patterns Clean Architecture Onion Architecture Hexagonal Architecture Ports & Adapters Architecture DDD (Domain Driven Design) I have read various books and blog posts to learn these concepts, and I feel Clean/Onion/Hexagonal/Ports&Adapters Architectures are very similar with a common goal of “protecting the core domain logic” from “external dependencies”.

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