How SpringBoot AutoConfiguration magic works?

In my previous post Why SpringBoot? we have looked at how to create a SpringBoot application. But you may or may not understand what is going on behind the scenes. You may want to understand the magic behind the SpringBoot’s AutoConfiguration. But before that you should know about Spring’s @Conditional feature based on which all the SpringBoot’s AutoConfiguration magic depends. Exploring the power of @Conditional While developing Spring based applications we may come across of a need to register beans conditionally.

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Why SpringBoot?

Spring is a very popular Java based framework for building web and enterprise applications. Unlike many other frameworks which focuses on only one area, Spring framework provides a wide verity of features addressing the modern business needs via its portfolio projects. Spring framework provides flexibility to configure the beans in multiple ways such as XML, Annotations and JavaConfig. With the number of features increased the complexity also gets increased and configuring Spring applications becomes tedious and error-prone.

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Retrying Method Execution using Spring AOP

One of my blog follower sends an email asking me to show an example of “RealWorld Usage of Spring AOP”. He mentioned that in most of the examples the usage of Spring AOP is demonstrated for logging method entry/exit or Transaction management or Security checks. He wanted to know how Spring AOP is being used in “Real Project for Real Problems”. So I would like to show how I have used Spring AOP for one of my project to handle a real problem.

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Selecting The Technology Stack for JCart

Selecting the right technology stack is very crucial and plays an important role in project success. Many of the architects (unknowingly??!!) try to make complex designs by trying to use all kinds of latest and greatest stuff. On the other hand some architects try to be in their comfort zone by limiting their technology stack to the technologies with which they are comfortable. Both approaches are dangerous. One should understand the business needs and pick the technologies that are necessary for project.

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Introducing the application JCart

As I promised in my article Developing a simple e-commerce application from scratch to production using SpringBoot , I am starting first post by introducing the application JCart that we are going to build. One of my friend makes quilling toys and she sell them by advertising on Facebook or through word of mouth. Now she is getting more and more customers and she wants to expand her business by going online.

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Developing a simple e-commerce application from scratch to production using SpringBoot

We can find plenty of information on any technical topic, be it Java, .NET, Python or any frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, CDI, JSF etc. You can find hundreds of well written blogs on many of these topics. For example, you can find lot of tutorials on how to use SpringBoot or how to use various mappings in JPA/Hibernate or how to do form validations in JSF etc. Also, there are plenty of books published by well established publishers on most of the technologies.

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A Developers Perspective on Spring vs JavaEE

In Java community Spring vs JavaEE is a never ending debate. In such debates people form two groups consisting of evangelists, architects and hard core fans of one platform and debate endlessly. Those who participate in the debates may be architects who are responsible for platform selection. But what would developers think about this Spring vs JavaEE debate? I am a Java developer who uses both Spring and JavaEE and I am not part of Spring or JavaEE fan club.

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A bunch of Maven Archetypes for Spring based Projects

Maven is a good project management tool which greatly reduces the amount of time we spend on creating java projects with proper structure. With so many predefined maven archetypes it is even easier to create projects by simply selecting the archetype based on the technologies we need and type(jar/war/ear) of project we want to create. However sometimes those predefined archetypes structure may not suite well for our needs or we may need some more additions to the pre-configured dependencies/frameworks etc.

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