How to SSH into VirtualBox Linux OS?

While learning some of the Linux commands we may want to use SSH commands to login into a remote Linux system and we may not have a dedicated Linux system to play with. In this post I will explain how I am using my Linux OS installed on VirtualBox to SSH from Windows OS. 1. Install openssh-server on Linux OS in VirtualBox sudo apt-get install openssh-server On some Linux distros (ex: Fedora) the openssh server won’t start automatically.

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Thinking of moving from Windows to Linux?

I have been using Windows operating system from the beginning. When I first started using computer Windows XP was the latest operating system and it was amazing. After few years I started my career as a Java developer and in my office also I have been using Windows only. After few years Windows Vista got released and I suffered with it for few months and then Microsoft released Windows 7 which is the best Windows operating system IMO.

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My Life as a Software Developer in India

I am Siva, working as a Software Developer in Hyderabad, India. Working as a Software Developer is very exciting as you see new things coming in everyday. If there are no new things at least we put a new fancy name to some old concept and celebrate (#microservices) :-). But in my opinion working as a Software Developer in India is little bit different and hard too. Few things are good, and few things are bad.

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A Developers Perspective on Spring vs JavaEE

In Java community Spring vs JavaEE is a never ending debate. In such debates people form two groups consisting of evangelists, architects and hard core fans of one platform and debate endlessly. Those who participate in the debates may be architects who are responsible for platform selection. But what would developers think about this Spring vs JavaEE debate? I am a Java developer who uses both Spring and JavaEE and I am not part of Spring or JavaEE fan club.

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CentOS 7 Installation on Oracle Virtualbox

I wanted to explore CentOS 7 Linux, so I installed it on my Oracle VirtualBox. Installation went smoothly ,but I had a hard time to install Virtualbox Guest Additions to get full screen. I thought of sharing the steps I performed so that it may be helpful for others. After installing CentOS 7, before installing Virtualbox Guest Additions first thing we need to do is update system. sudo yum update

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My Linux Journey Begins

Like many people I started working with computers on Windows XP operating system. Even after starting my career as a Java developer I have been working on Windows for all my development activities. Initially I didn’t get a chance(need) to work on Unix/Linux because we didn’t have access to any of production systems which are using Linux. After few years we got a new client for whom we need to do deployment also in QA/UAT environments which are all Linux based.

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Can MicroServices Architecture Solve All Your Problems?

IT is one field where you can find new things coming everyday. Theses days the whole developer community websites are flooded with MicroServices and Docker related stuff. Among them the idea of MicroServices is very exciting and encourages better way of building software systems. But as with any architectural style there will be pros and cons to every approach. Before discussing what are good and bad sides of MicroServices approach, first let me say what I understood about MicroServices.

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NetBeansIDE and IntellijIDEA From The Eyes of a Long Time Eclipse User

I have been using Eclipse IDE since 2006 and I liked it so much for various reasons. First it is open source and free to use. Eclipse looks pretty neat on Windows OS on which I work most of the time. Occasionally I tried to use NetBeansIDE (before 6.x version) and I didn’t like it because it’s too slow. And I never tried IntellijIDEA because it’s a commercial product and I am 100% sure that my employer is not going to pay $$$ for an IDE.

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Clean Code: Don’t mix different levels of abstractions

We spend more time on reading code than writing. So if the code is more readable then obviously it will increase the developer productivity. Many people associate readability of code with coding conventions like following standard naming conventions, closing file, DB resources etc etc. When it comes to code reviews most of the people focus on these trivial things only, like checking for naming convention violations, properly releasing resources in finally block or not.

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PrimeFaces Beginner’s Guide book published

I am glad to announce that my second book PrimeFaces Beginner’s Guide is published. As many of us know PrimeFaces is leading JSF component library for JSF based web applications. This PrimeFaces Beginner’s Guide book targets the Java developers with basic knowledge on JSF and jQuery and covers most of the commonly used PrimeFaces components. Good news is that PrimeFaces Beginner’s Guide book covers the latest PrimeFaces 4.0 version features such as Client Side Validations (CSV) framework: Dialog Framework, Search Expressions, Sticky Component and many other enhancement as well.

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