Packt Publishing “Java Persistence With MyBatis3” published

Hurray…My first book Java Persistence with MyBatis3 is published. I would like to thank Packt Publishers for giving me this opportunity to write on my favorite framework MyBatis. For most of the software applications data persistence is a key and important aspect. In Java land we have many ways of implementing persistence layer starting from low level JDBC to fancy ORM frameworks. JDBC is too low level API and needs to write a lot of boilerplate code.

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A bunch of Maven Archetypes for Spring based Projects

Maven is a good project management tool which greatly reduces the amount of time we spend on creating java projects with proper structure. With so many predefined maven archetypes it is even easier to create projects by simply selecting the archetype based on the technologies we need and type(jar/war/ear) of project we want to create. However sometimes those predefined archetypes structure may not suite well for our needs or we may need some more additions to the pre-configured dependencies/frameworks etc.

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MyBatis Tutorial : Part4 – Spring Integration

<strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part1 – CRUD Operations</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part-2: CRUD operations Using Annotations</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part 3 – Mapping Relationships</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial : Part4 – Spring Integration</strong> MyBatis-Spring is a sub-project of MyBatis and provides Spring integration support which drastically simplifies the MyBatis usage. For those who are familiar with Spring’s way of Dependency Injection process, using MyBatis-Spring is a very simple. First let us see the process of using MyBatis without Spring.

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MyBatis Tutorial: Part 3 – Mapping Relationships

In this post let us see how to use MyBatis ResultMap configuration to map relationships. <strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part1 – CRUD Operations</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part-2: CRUD operations Using Annotations</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part 3 – Mapping Relationships</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial : Part4 – Spring Integration</strong> To illustrate we are considering the following sample domain model: There will be Users and each User may have a Blog and each Blog can contain zero or more posts.

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MyBatis Tutorial: Part-2: CRUD operations Using Annotations

In this post I will explain how to perform CRUD operations using MyBatis Annotation support without need of Queries configuration in XML mapper files. <strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part1 – CRUD Operations</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part-2: CRUD operations Using Annotations</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part 3 – Mapping Relationships</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial : Part4 – Spring Integration</strong> Step#1: Create a table BLOG and a java domain Object Blog. CREATE TABLE blog ( blog_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, blog_name varchar(45) NOT NULL, created_on datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (blog_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; package com.

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MyBatis Tutorial: Part1 – CRUD Operations

MyBatis is an SQL Mapper tool which greatly simplifies the database programing when compared to using JDBC directly. <strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part1 – CRUD Operations</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part-2: CRUD operations Using Annotations</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part 3 – Mapping Relationships</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial : Part4 – Spring Integration</strong> Step1: Create a Maven project and configure MyBatis dependencies. <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>com.sivalabs</groupId> <artifactId>mybatis-demo</artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> <packaging>jar</packaging> <name>mybatis-demo</name> <url></url> <properties> <>UTF-8</> </properties> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.

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Keep The Code Clean: WatchDog & SpotTheBug Approach

Before going to discuss WatchDog & SpotTheBug Approach, let me give a brief context on what is the needs for this. Three months back I was asked to write core infrastructure code for our new application which uses all the latest and greatest technologies. I have written the infrastructure code and implemented 2 usecases to demonstrate which logic should go into which layer and the code looks good(atleast to me :-)).

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When to use RequestDispatcher.forward() and response.sendRedirect()?

Many people know about how RequestDispatcher.forward() and response.sendRedirect() works. RequestDispatcher.forward() is generally called Server side redirection and is used to forward to a resource within the same application. That resource could be a JSP or another Servlet. response.sendRedirect() is generally called as Client side redirection as it issues a new request from the browser. This method is used to redirect to another resource within the same application or to the resource in some other application running in the same web container or can redirect to any other resource running in someother web container.

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Are frameworks making developers dumb?

Last week I got to take interviews to hire senior java developers with around 5 years of experience. But after the interview process is over I felt like the frameworks makes developers life easier but at the same time making them dumb. Everyone puts almost all the new frameworks on their resume claiming they have “Strong, working experience on Spring, Hibernate, Web Services etc”. Here is how the interviews went on.

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10 things to become an outstanding Java developer

If you are a java developer and passionate about technology, you can follow the below things which makes you an outstanding Java developer. 1. Have a strong foundation and understanding on OO Principles For a java developer having strong understanding on Object Oriented Programming is a must. Without having a strong foundation on OOPS, one can’t realize the beauty of an Object Oriented Programming language like Java. If you don’t have good idea on what OOPS is, eventhough you are using OOP language you may be still coding in procedural way.

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