SivaLabs Weekly Newsletter - 2023, Week 29

SivaLabs Weekly Newsletter - 2023, Week 29

What I Learned This Week If you are thinking of what is a better way to structure your code, then I highly recommend watching Facts and Myths about CQRS • Oskar Dudycz • Devoxx Poland 2023 talk. I have updated my blog to make it easy to read posts and optimized CSS/JS to make it a bit faster. Along the way, I learned some new features of Hugo such as including Table of Contents, opening external links in a new tab, etc.

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Getting Started with Spring Boot

Getting Started with Spring Boot

Introducing Spring Boot Spring Boot is the most popular framework for building applications in the Java world. Spring Boot is an Opinionated and Convention Over Configuration based approach to building Spring framework based applications. Using Spring Boot, you can build different kinds of applications such as monolithic applications, microservices, serverless applications, Batch applications, etc. Let us take a quick look at what are the key features of Spring Boot that make it so popular.

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Creating a Blog using Hugo, Asciidoc, and Netlify

Creating a Blog using Hugo, Asciidoc, and Netlify

In this tutorial, I will explain the process for setting up a blog using the static site generator Hugo, writing content using Markdown and Asciidoctor, and deploy on Netlify. Why should you have a blog? For a software developer, having a well-maintained blog opens up a lot of opportunities. First of all, you can write down your learnings and keep it as a quick reference for yourself. But, having a blog with quality content brings lots of opportunities, such as:

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SivaLabs Weekly Newsletter - 2023, Week 28

SivaLabs Weekly Newsletter - 2023, Week 28

What I Learned This Week I have published Tomato Architecture - A Pragmatic Approach to Software Design article sharing my thoughts around how to build an application without over-engineering it. I have shared My Thoughts on DevOps, Platform Engineering, and FullStack Developer talking about the challenges of being a Fullstack Developer. Published a video on Testing AWS Service Integrations using LocalStack and Testcontainers Tom Hombergs published the 2nd Edition of Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture: Build ‘clean’ applications with code examples in Java book which I highly recommend to read.

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My Thoughts on DevOps, Platform Engineering, and FullStack Developer

My Thoughts on DevOps, Platform Engineering, and FullStack Developer

In the software development world, once in a while a new ideology or process or technology will be introduced. And, the whole developer community goes crazy on that shiny new stuff. A decade ago it was Agile/Scrum, then DevOps, then SRE and now Platform Engineering. Somehow, I got curious about what is all the fuss about Platform engineering and read a bit about it, and I felt “Oh, people realized that DevOps is a good idea but impractical, and they are correcting it now”.

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Tomato Architecture - A Pragmatic Approach to Software Design

Tomato Architecture - A Pragmatic Approach to Software Design

After a couple of years into software development, I wanted to improve my skills by learning more about Software Architecture and Design. As you might guess, various sources suggested learning: Design Patterns Clean Architecture Onion Architecture Hexagonal Architecture Ports & Adapters Architecture DDD (Domain Driven Design) I have read various books and blog posts to learn these concepts, and I feel Clean/Onion/Hexagonal/Ports&Adapters Architectures are very similar with a common goal of “protecting the core domain logic” from “external dependencies”.

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SivaLabs Weekly Newsletter - 2023, Week 27

SivaLabs Weekly Newsletter - 2023, Week 27

SivaLabs Weekly Newsletter - 2023 Week 27 I came to know about T3 App which claims to be “The best way to start a full-stack, typesafe Next.js app” Also, came across PocketBase which is “Open Source backend for your next SaaS and Mobile app in 1 file” Switched from iTerm2 to warp Terminal, and I am liking it very much. I have written Sharing Thoughts and Knowledge via Twitter vs Blogging article.

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Sharing Thoughts and Knowledge via Twitter vs Blogging

Sharing Thoughts and Knowledge via Twitter vs Blogging

SocialMedia is a double-edged sword. We can put it to good use or become addicted to it and suffer. The challenge is, it is hard to know when it became addiction. Most of the time we get to know that we are addicted to it once we started suffering. I use social media, especially Twitter, very much mainly to keep up with what is going on in the tech world. I must say Twitter helped me in several ways throughout my career.

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A Tip for Debugging Tricky Software Bugs or Issues

A Tip for Debugging Tricky Software Bugs or Issues

While building software, once in a while we face some weird issue which is supposed to just work fine according to our understanding, but it is not working, and we don’t have any clue. We spent hours and hours trying to understand what the hell is going wrong and why it is not working. Even worse, the exact same code is working fine in a small demo application. We all have been into this situation at some point in our careers, right?

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Should you use Lombok? Or, is it bad for you?

Should you use Lombok? Or, is it bad for you?

I’m a happy Lombok library user. I found this library a decade ago, and I’ve been using it ever since. I don’t remember facing any major problems with it so far. However, I see few people that I greatly admire and learn from, often complain that Lombok is very bad, and you should avoid it. Obviously, I am curious to know what am I missing? I know a couple of scenarios where using Lombok brings some challenges.

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