SpringBoot application deployment and monitoring series - Part 1 - Build Services
This is the first part of our journey to learn SpringBoot application deployment and monitoring series. We will be using the following tools throughout the process, so please install them based on your operating system.
- Java 11, Maven (I would recommend using SDKMAN to install these tools)
- Docker, docker-compose
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
- Ansible
- Minikube
I will be using MacOS, Intellij Idea and shell scripting. You can use your favorite IDE, but try to use *nix like environment (Linux or MacOS) to be able to run those shell scripts.
Let’s define our goals for Iteration-1.
- Implement bookmark-service, vote-service and bookmarks-ui applications
- Setup Jenkins build server
Create 3 VMs using Virtualbox and VagrantDeploy services on VMs and run them as fatjars- Build docker images
- Configure and run all services using docker-compose
Implement services
As our bookmarks application is a simple application, and our main focus is on deployment automation, I have implemented the services and pushed the code into following repositories on GitHub.
- bookmark-service https://github.com/sivaprasadreddy/bookmark-service
- vote-service https://github.com/sivaprasadreddy/vote-service
- bookmarks-ui https://github.com/sivaprasadreddy/bookmarks-ui
The bookmark-service and vote-service are pretty standard SpringBoot applications using Spring Data JPA, FlywayDB Migrations, Spring MVC REST APIs with Swagger UI and CORS configured.
The bookmarks-ui is implemented as Spring Cloud Gateway and also contains UI. There is only one HTML page which uses VueJS to fetch bookmarks, render them using 2 way data binding. All the REST API calls invoke Gateway URLs which will forward the requests to bookmark-service and vote-service.
- bookmark-service runs at http://localhost:8081/
- vote-service runs at http://localhost:8082/
- bookmarks-ui runs at http://localhost:8080/
The SpringCloud Gateway routes are configured as follows:
- id: bookmarks_route
uri: http://localhost:8081
- Path=/bookmarkssvc/**
- StripPrefix=1
- id: votes_route
uri: http://localhost:8082
- Path=/votessvc/**
- StripPrefix=1
So, from UI to load bookmarks we make call to http://localhost:8080/bookmarkssvc/api/v1/bookmarks. Then SpringCloud Gateway forwards this request to http://localhost:8081/api/v1/bookmarks.
Now that we have our services implemented, let’s start setting up Jenkins build server and configure the Pipelines for our services.
In the next article we will work on creating a VM using Vagrant and setting up Jenkins build server in that VM.
Related content
- SpringBoot application deployment and monitoring series - Part 2 - Build Server Setup using Jenkins
- SpringBoot Application deployment and monitoring series
- Spring Boot + Testcontainers Tests at Jet Speed
- Running your own Spring Initializr and using it from IntelliJ IDEA
- Mastering Spring Boot in 5 Stages