In Java community Spring vs JavaEE is a never ending debate. In such debates people form two groups consisting of evangelists, architects and hard core fans of one platform and debate endlessly. Those who participate in the debates may be architects who are responsible for platform selection. But what would developers think about this Spring vs JavaEE debate? I am a Java developer who uses both Spring and JavaEE and I am not part of Spring or JavaEE fan club.
Continue reading »A bunch of Maven Archetypes for Spring based Projects
Maven is a good project management tool which greatly reduces the amount of time we spend on creating java projects with proper structure. With so many predefined maven archetypes it is even easier to create projects by simply selecting the archetype based on the technologies we need and type(jar/war/ear) of project we want to create. However sometimes those predefined archetypes structure may not suite well for our needs or we may need some more additions to the pre-configured dependencies/frameworks etc.
Continue reading »MyBatis Tutorial : Part4 – Spring Integration
<strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part1 – CRUD Operations</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part-2: CRUD operations Using Annotations</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial: Part 3 – Mapping Relationships</strong> <strong>MyBatis Tutorial : Part4 – Spring Integration</strong> MyBatis-Spring is a sub-project of MyBatis and provides Spring integration support which drastically simplifies the MyBatis usage. For those who are familiar with Spring’s way of Dependency Injection process, using MyBatis-Spring is a very simple. First let us see the process of using MyBatis without Spring.
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