What I Learned in Week-11, 2020
I come across many blog posts from various sources like Twitter, StackOverflow etc and some of them are very helpful. Also, in day to day work I learn few new things, explore some new tools. Usually I keep track of this information using Browser Bookmarks and Pocket.
I thought may be this information could be useful for others too. So, I am going to share it weekly on my blog.
If you are looking for a detailed and practical guide for implementing Microservices using SpringBoot then look no further Java Microservices: A Practical Guide
While using JPA how many times we want to see the generate SQL query with actual parameter values instead of placeholders? We can use p6spy-spring-boot-starter to log the generate SQL statements with actual parameters.
I am surprised looking at how easy it is to create CLI tools using NodeJS and inquirer.js. At work, I have created a simple CLI tool to build and deploy SpringBoot applications on PCF in just couple of hours. If you are interesting this is a great tutorial. Build a JavaScript Command Line Interface (CLI) with Node.js
If you are just starting out with GitHub Actions or thinking of migrating from TravisCI then Continuous Integration of Java project with GitHub Actions
If you are new to Git then this post is definitely a good starting point covering various concepts of Git with pictorial representation How to teach Git
If your SpringBoot application is starting slowly on your MacOS then this post has a solution for you Fixing Slow Spring Boot Startup
Docker became part of day to day work and once in a while we want to clean up unnecessary stuff. How To Remove Docker Containers, Images, Volumes, and Networks
You might have heard about Hexagonal Architecture and is wondering how to implement it using Spring then this article is for you. Achieving framework-independent zen with the power of interfaces and hexagonal architecture
If you don’t like Setters and Getters but you are using just because of Json to Object marshalling then this is for you. Deserialize Immutable Objects with Jackson
If you have some time to burn and want to explore interesting tech stuff DEVURLS
Happy learning :-)
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